Web-site outline:


Home Page:


Welcome message: Here is our leagues welcome message.


News and Information: This section is league member�s information, meeting and communications etc.


Events and Affiliates: This section is used for promoting events and affiliates/sponsors


Quick League Stuff: This section is for downloading league documents By-law and match reports etc.


Quick Results: This section displays links to latest match results.


Matches Wrestled: This section displays matches wrestled according to team schedules. Results are not available yet (Act as a reminder that results haven�t been received).


Match Reports: This section allows member to upload files/results to website. Note: file names need to be unique ex: Bloomfield_vs_Caldwell.xls .doc .txt .pdf.


Team Info Page:


Schedule: Here each teams schedule is displayed.


Dual Meet Results: Here each team�s dual meet results are displayed and linked to match report.


Individual Records: Here individual wrestler�s records are displayed; each wrestler name is linked to head to head report.


Roster: Here each team�s rosters are displayed. Certified weight class, meaning that is the lowest weight a wrestler may wrestle each season (usually first weigh-in of the season).


Standings Page:


Team Record: Teams records are displayed.


Certified weight class standings: Here each individual�s record and their standings are displayed by Ct. Wt. Class


Contacts Page:


Contacts: For league members contact information.


Archives Page:


Wrestling Season: For previous season�s dual meet results.


Tournaments: For previous season�s championship tournament results.


Tournament of Champions: For previous season�s Meet of Champs match.


Resource Page:


Events and Affiliates: This section is use for promoting events and affiliates/sponsors.


Popular Links: For links to members websites, clubs etc.


League Stuff: This section is for downloading documents used by league members.


Match Reports: This section allows member to upload files/results to website.